Privacy Policy

The basic policy (Privacy Policy) of PayPay India Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Our Company") for handling information related to privacy is as follows.

Our Company considers the protection of the privacy of all individuals involved with Our Company, including customers, as one of the most important management issues, and complies with relevant laws and regulations when handling personal data (as defined below). This Privacy Policy applies to users and prospective customers of Our Company's services, or users of Our Company's website or content (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Customers"), and stipulates the handling of all information that can directly or indirectly identify Customers, such as their name, contact information, date of birth, cookies, service usage history, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data").

1. Collection of Personal Data

Our Company may collect Personal Data based on the will of the Customer in the following cases. Please note that if Personal Data is not provided, certain services may not be available.

[1] When Our Company directly collects

  1. When Customers input via device operation
  2. When Customers provide via any medium such as in writing or orally
  3. When it is transmitted or provided in connection with the use or viewing of services, products, applications, web pages, advertisements, or content by Customers

[2] When Our Company indirectly collects

  1. When legally obtained from business partners or third parties that the Customer has agreed to
  2. When provided from business partners including behavioral history, IP address, cookies, advertisement ID, device information, etc. regarding web pages or services operated by such business partners.

You can check our business partners here (cookie setting).

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Data

Our Company will only use Personal Data for the following purposes and will not use it for any other purposes. Measures will also be taken to prevent unauthorized use.

(1) To provide all services operated by Our Company (hereinafter referred to as "Services")

(2) For advertising, promotion, and marketing purposes
For example, it will be used for the following purposes:

  • For advertising and promotion of services of Our Company or third-party advertisers
  • For marketing products and services of Our Company or third parties
  • For drawing lotteries and sending prizes for promotional campaigns, etc.

(3) To improve the Services and consider new services
For example, it will be used for the following purposes:

  • To improve the Services and plan, design, and develop new services
  • To investigate and analyze the usage of the Services or create and publish statistical data
  • To evaluate responses by the customer service desk and improve quality of response

(4) To provide optimal services and content for each Customer (personalization)

(5) To provide the Services safely
For example, it will be used for the following purposes:

  • To detect Customers who violate the terms of use of the Services or address violators
  • To investigate, detect, prevent, or respond to fraud or unauthorized access using the Services
  • To manage Personal Data and ensure data security

(6) To resolve issues in the use and operation of the Services

3. Provision of Personal Data

In addition to cases permitted by law, Our Company may provide Personal Data to third parties (including third parties in foreign countries) after executing a contract in principle in the following cases:

(1) When providing Personal Data necessary for registration, provision, etc., of affiliated services to service alliance companies for the purpose of providing affiliated services in cooperation with other companies (including affiliated companies)
For example, it will be provided in the following cases:

  • When providing Personal Data such as cookies, device identifiers, etc. (excluding information that directly identifies Customers such as name, contact information, etc.) to service alliance companies so that they can provide optimal services and content to Customers. For details on handling cookies, etc., please see section 8.

(2) When providing part of the Services that presupposes the disclosure of Personal Data to other users on the Services

(3) When necessary for dispute resolution or protection of rights, property, etc., of Our Company or third parties

(4) When necessary for countermeasures or responses to misuse of the Services or affiliated services

(5) When providing to a business successor for reasons such as merger, company split, or other business succession

(6) When individual consent is obtained separately from Customers

4. Joint Use of Personal Data

Our Company may jointly use the Personal Data it collects as follows:

[Items of Personal Information subject to joint use]
All Personal Data collected by Our Company

[Scope of joint users]
Our Company and affiliated companies* (including companies in foreign countries). However, when affiliated companies jointly use Personal Data, Our Company will enter into a contract regarding the handling of Personal Data in advance and establish a structure to properly manage Personal Data.

* "Affiliated companies" refers to subsidiaries, affiliated companies, and jointly controlled entities of SoftBank Group Corp., the parent company of Our Company, as defined in the accounting standards adopted by SoftBank Group Corp. in its latest consolidated financial statements.

[Purpose of use by joint users]
The purposes of use described in section 2 above (However, for joint use purposes, "Our Company" is replaced with "Our Company and affiliated companies" and "Services" is replaced with "all services operated by Our Company and affiliated companies.")

[Chief Administrator of Joint Use]
PayPay India Private Limited
Representative: Munenori Hirakawa
Location: Haryana, Republic of India

5. Outsourcing of Personal Data

Our Company may, in the event that it outsources work to a party with which it has entered into a contract within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, provide Personal Data to said third party to which it outsources its work.

6. Security

Our Company handles Personal Data properly in compliance with this Privacy Policy.

To handle Personal Data properly and prevent incidents such as data leakage, Our Company will implement organizational, human, physical, and technical security management measures.

For example, the following measures are implemented:

  • Establishment of internal rules and organization for the protection of Personal Data
  • Management, supervision, and regular employee education on handling Personal Data
  • Information classification according to the importance of Personal Data and usage restriction through the establishment of distinguished work areas
  • Access control to Personal Data and adoption of appropriate encryption and hashing techniques
  • Implementation of security management measures after understanding the personal information protection system in the country to which Personal Data is provided

When outsourcing the handling of Personal Data to third parties, Our Company outsources it to those who meet our selection criteria and properly manages the work by entering into a contract with the said third party.

Our Company provides Personal Data only to third parties that implement security management measures that meet our standards.

7. Handling of Sensitive Information

Our Company will not collect, use, or provide third parties with sensitive information except in certain exceptions.

8. Handling of Cookies, etc.

Our Company uses cookies on its website and Services to improve user convenience and its website. Further, Our Company may allow third parties to place cookies for the purpose of surveying service usage and delivering more suitable advertisements to Customers. For details, please see here.

* You can check the details of handling cookies, etc.

9. Continuous Improvement in Protection of Personal Information

Our Company will provide education on personal information protection and conduct regular audits on the handling of personal information for all officers and employees to ensure proper handling of personal information and will strive for continuous improvement in this Privacy Policy.

10. Contact for Inquiries Related to Personal Information

For inquiries or complaints related to personal information, please contact [].

11. Revision of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to revision. In the case of major revisions, the contents of the revision will be notified to Customers in advance.