• Privacy Policy for Job Applicants

Privacy Policy for Job Applicants

PayPay Corporation and its group companies (“PayPay”, “we” or “us”) (*) may, in connection with recruitment activities, process information of applicants. PayPay will process personal information of applicants in accordance with this privacy policy. Applicants must declare that all the information submitted to PayPay is true, correct and complete. Applicants must understand that PayPay may withdraw or cancel the screening process or their employment if information or documents provided are found to be false, incorrect or incomplete.

* The list of the group companies is here.
Regarding the matters that should be notified, etc. when processing personal information under the laws and regulations of a specific country applicable to PayPay and its group companies, please also refer to Appendix “Notification, etc. under the Laws and Regulations of Specific Countries.”

1.Categories of Personal Information

PayPay may, based on the intention of applicants, obtain the following categories of personal information (including categories of personal information that are subject to special protection under applicable laws and regulations, such as so-called sensitive data, for their sensitive nature and content). If you do not provide your personal information, PayPay may not be able to proceed with the selection process:

  • Personal contact details such as name, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Date of birth.
  • Gender.
  • Information filled in in your resume/CV and other application documents, including your working career, reasons for your application, your qualifications and annual income, and information on our assessment reports of any tests that you are required to undertake in the selection process, personal references, medical checkup report.
  • Histories of employment applications and selection results.
  • Results of a check on the relationship with antisocial forces (antisocial check), including criminal records.

PayPay may ask applicants to provide their personal information such as online application form, resume, curriculum vitae and etc. Also, PayPay may ask applicants to provide some more information which PayPay believes is necessary for PayPay’s screening process. In addition, PayPay may obtain applicants’ personal information from recruiting agents, contractors to which background checks are outsourced or PayPay’s group companies.

2.Use of Personal Information

PayPay will use applicants’ personal information for the following purposes:

  • To identify applicants.
  • To select applicants.
  • To make inquiries and replies concerning your application and to inform you of the date and time for a selection interview.
  • To manage application records.
  • If you are hired after the selection process, for the personnel labor management.
  • To contact past applicants, who excused from the selection process, declined job offers, and those who were rejected, to invite them to our employment selection process in the future.
  • To study and review the current requirement method and employment selection method.
  • To conduct a check on the relationship with antisocial forces (antisocial check)

PayPay shall comply with applicable laws and regulations and use or provide applicants’ personal information to conduct a fair screening process. For instance, PayPay shall not collect, use or provide for purposes other than ensuring a fair screening process any information concerning race, ethnicity, social status, lineage, permanent address, place of birth, any other matters which could cause social discrimination, creed, and labor union membership.

PayPay shall process applicants’ personal information where applicable laws and regulations permit or require it. In particular, PayPay shall process personal information of applicants based on legal basis such as with applicants’ consent, for the performance of our contract with applicants, for complying with a legal obligation that applies to us, or for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of third parties.

3.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

PayPay shall not disclose/provide any personal information of applicants to any third party without obtaining applicants’ consent, unless otherwise permitted by applicable laws and regulations or listed as the followings:

(1) Provision to Group Companies
PayPay may provide the applicants’ personal information described in “1. Categories of Personal Information” to its group companies within the scope of purposes described in “2. Use of Personal Information.”

(2) Provision to Third Parties other than Group Companies
PayPay may disclose applicants’ personal information to our contractors to collect and analyze the information after signing the outsourcing agreement.

PayPay shall, to the extent permitted under the applicable laws and regulations, conduct a reference check, a background check and a check on the relationship with antisocial forces (antisocial check) (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Hiring Investigation”) on the applicants who are close to the final round of the interviews or getting an offer. To conduct a Hiring Investigation, based upon the information on submitted resume and curriculum vitae, etc. such as educational background, job history, qualifications and any other information, PayPay or its subcontractors shall provide to applicants’ universities, past and current employers and any other related institutions applicants’ name, gender, birthday and any other information necessary to conduct a Hiring Investigation.

(3) Provision to Third Parties in cases other than above (1) and (2)
PayPay may also provide applicants’ personal information for the following additional purposes where permitted or required by applicable laws and regulations:

To protect our rights and property.
During emergency situations and where necessary to protect the safety of persons.
If a business transfer or change in ownership occurs and the provision is necessary to complete the transaction.
For additional purposes with applicants’ consent where such consent is required by applicable laws and regulations.
Applicants' personal information may be provided to a third party in a country with a different personal information protection system than the country in which the applicant is located. In such a case, PayPay shall enter into an appropriate contract to protect applicants’ personal information with such third party.

4.Management of Personal Information

We will take organizational, human, physical, and technical security management measures to strictly manage and appropriately process applicants’ personal information we have obtained.
We will store and manage personal information of applicants who have joined us as a result of screening process as employee information in accordance with the retention period prescribed by our internal regulations. In addition, the personal information of applicants who did not join us will be retained for a period to the extent necessary to review and consider recruitment and hiring methods, and to contact or send selection guidance from us in the future.

5.Handling of Cookies, etc.

PayPay uses cookies, etc. on its websites and services to improve user convenience and the site. In addition, PayPay may allow third parties to install cookies, etc. for the purpose of investigating the usage status of the services and distributing more appropriate advertisement to customers. For more information, please see here.

6.Rights of Applicants

Applicants may exercise their rights under applicable laws and regulations in relation to their personal information. These rights may include, for example, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use of personal information, etc. If you would like to know about these rights or wish to exercise your rights, please contact here.

7.Non Disclosure Agreement

Regardless of their screening results, applicants shall not divulge, disclose or provide any information concerning PayPay’s screening process or any information on PayPay that is considered secret (which including, but not limited to, any information PayPay considers secret. Also any information that is publicly known is excluded.)

8.Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy in response to any necessity such as changes in laws and regulations and the necessity of recruitment activities.

9.Contact information

For inquiries concerning processing of personal information related to your applications, please contact us from here.

After confirming the “Privacy Policy for Job Applicants,”please close this screen and return to the input form.
※Description of the link destination

List of Group Companies
Name of the Country Name of the Company
Japan PayPay Corporation
Japan PayPay Card Corporation
India PayPay India Private Limited
Contact Information
Name of the Company Contact Information
PayPay India Private Limited ppind-career-info@paypay-corp.co.jp
List of Group Companies
Japan PayPay Corporation
PayPay Card Corporation
India PayPay India Private Limited
Contact Information
PayPay India Private Limited ppind-career-info@paypay-corp.co.jp
  • Privacy Policy for Job Applicants